Why Choose Myers Technology Co., LLC for Used CHICAGO Equipment?

Myers Technology Co., LLC is a leading supplier of Used CHICAGO equipment. Our goal is to help your business maximize efficiency while minimizing expenditure. Known for our extensive inventory, it is our mission to pair you with machinery that perfectly aligns with your unique requirements. When you purchase from Myers Technology Co., LLC, you're not just buying machinery, you're gaining invaluable partnership.

CHICAGO Equipment Categories

At Myers Technology Co., LLC, we offer a diverse array of CHICAGO equipment to meet the wide-ranging needs of our diverse customer base. Some of our most popular categories include:

  • Fabricating Machinery: Essential for shaping parts, these robust machines play a fundamental role across a multitude of industries.
  • Miscellaneous: This category houses a varied selection of machines, providing solutions for specialized tasks in the industrial setting.

Types of CHICAGO Equipment

CHICAGO equipment encompasses a broad spectrum of types, each type playing a unique role in the realm of industrial processes. Some of our primary CHICAGO equipment types include:

  • Press Brakes: Ideal for bending sheet and plate material, press brakes are vital in the manufacturing of durable, intricately-shaped components.
  • Riveters 2: Riveters 2 are pivotal in the construction and repair of products and infrastructures, adding durability and resilience.


CHICAGO has cemented its reputation as a stalwart in the machinery industry. Unwavering in their commitment to innovation and quality, CHICAGO has consistently delivered solutions that go above and beyond in tackling industrial tactics, bolstered by their unique selling points and historical involvement in the industry. Furthermore, the versatility of CHICAGO equipment has made it an essential choice across a plethora of industries, helping businesses shape their success stories.

Categories within CHICAGO

Types within CHICAGO

Previously sold within CHICAGO